Hello, Parents!
Thank you for taking time to find out more about The Navigators® and JAX STP. We hope this site provides ample details about the experience and gives comfort as it you shows you who we are as an organization. Our staff considers it a privilege to spend time with your student and we treasure each one as an individual. In addition to the content available on the website, we have addressed a few parent-specific questions here:
What is unique about a Summer Training Program?
A university student typically has three summers to choose how they spend their time, make (or spend) their money, and grow as an individual. Many trips, internships, and adventures are out there, but we believe a Summer Training Program is unique offering in that it provides your child:
The opportunity to move to another city and work a full-time job and craft leadership and relational skills that can apply to any occupation
An environment led by staff and energized by the 100+ other college students that will challenge him or her to grow in all areas of life and character
Time to develop Biblical convictions that will affect his or her relationship with God and others for the rest of their lives through training in Bible study and evangelism
The invaluable experience of meeting and working with people from all over the world
Will I be able to visit my child?
Absolutely! Parents are always welcome to visit anytime during the Summer Training Program. The optimal time to come is over Parents Weekend. Parent's Weekend dates will be announced soon. We do, however, ask students to follow through on their STP commitments if you do plan to come. We hope you will understand that learning happens the most when they are present and engaged at all of their meetings, Bible studies, and activities (some of which you are welcome to participate in). Because of the busy season summer and their short employer duration, we would ask your child to keep their commitment to their workplace and refrain from taking days off of their normal work week. We thank you for understanding as we ask students to honor these commitments.
Will my child be safe?
The Navigator staff take the safety of your son or daughter very seriously. We will do everything we can to ensure the safety of students at the program. Our housing is located on a university campus with university police presence. It is away from foot traffic or passers-by. In addition, our housing is made up primarily of program attendants and staff.
How will my child get to the Summer Training Program?
Most students carpool with other students to get to Jacksonville, FL. Each campus will try to set up rides for their students based on what city they live in. It can be helpful if your child is able to bring his or her car to the program. Your child may also fly or drive separately to the STP if he or she does not live in a nearby city or near those students who are driving. If coming from the airport, we can arrange for someone to pick him or her up.
If my child is without a car, how will he or she get to work?
Students working in Jacksonville maintain similar schedules and are able to carpool to and from work and wherever students may need to go throughout the week.
We thank you for your commitment to your child! We believe the Bible is clear that your child is to honor his or her parents. If you have any more questions or concerns about your child attending this STP, feel free to contact the Navs staff at your student's campus or email the JAX STP Director at